Engaging in any form of sports is healthy. When we engage in physical activity, our bodies produce feel-good hormones called endorphins. Endorphins are also called natural painkillers and help people feel calm and relaxed. This is how sports work like a stress buster. Talking to other players while playing sports takes our minds off different worries, […]
Category Archives: Volleyball
How Playing a Sport Can Improve Your Mental Health
Low mood levels are linked with decreased production of happiness hormones called endorphins. Endorphins are considered natural painkillers. They reduce stress and improve the ability to sleep. These hormones are produced during physical activity. This is why people feel better and more relaxed after playing sports or exercising.
Infographic: Importance of Playing Volleyball
Volleyball is the most played sports in United States and its for a good reason! You can improve your health, social skills as well as your mental health by playing it.
Top Sports to Keep You Fit
Playing any type of sport regularly can help you stay fit and healthy. Some sports are physically intensive, while some are low-intensity. However, any kind of movement and exercise will have health benefits. So should you go on a run or play a game of pool volleyball? Here’s how to decide which sports can help […]
3 Volleyball Injuries to Be Careful of
Just like any other sport, volleyball also comes with the threat of injury concerns, whether you’re playing indoor or outdoor volleyball. Some injuries can be caused by the continuous stress, while others can be caused due to a direct impact or wrong movement. Here are some more injuries that are common with volleyball players and […]
6 Volleyball Techniques and Strategies
Any sport requires planning and strategies to win a game, and volleyball is no different. When you’re on the volleyball court in the middle of the game with the perfect offensive and defensive strategies you can win most games. Here are some of the strategies you should use in your next game, organized by offensive and […]
3 Sports to Stay Active and Fit
Many people tend to play sports in the United States irrespective of their age. A majority of these are sports fanatics;the remaining are fitness freaks and play sports due to their numerous benefits. From American football to basketball to tennis, every sport has extensive benefits to offer. If you’re looking for sports to stay active […]
Indoor vs. Outdoor Volleyball: Which is Safer?
Unlike other sports, volleyball is loved due to its flexibility. Most sports are limited to the outdoors, but you can play volleyball indoors as well as outdoors. Indoor and outdoor volleyball might be considered the same sport, but they have quite a few differences. Most people may think the only difference lies in the setting, […]
How to Set Up a Volleyball Net
Whether it’s a professional volleyball or an exciting beach volleyball match, no one wants to miss out on the fun! Moreover, it has tons of heath benefits as well! If you want to benefit from all that volleyball has to offer, get ready to set your volleyball court in your house. Unlike other sports, you […]
9 Violations in Volleyball
Are you a volleyball newbie? If yes, you’re in for an exciting and fun-filled game! But that’s for later. Before playing any sport, you need to know its rules and violations to know what you’re up for. Knowing these volleyball violations will guarantee a perfect match. If you want to learn about these violations, we’re […]
Infographic: Amazing Health Benefits of Volleyball
Read on to find out all of them:
Infographic: Best Thing About Volley Ball
The Most Exciting Sports and Games to Play on Your Next Beach Trip
There’s nothing more thrilling than being sprawled out and basking in the sun on a beach and hearing the sound of the waves crashing by. Beach trips are loved by each one of us; whether you’re an adult or a child, you’ve got to love a beach trip. The United States is home to the […]
Top 6 Essential Features Any Backyard Should Have
Outdoor spaces are a great addition to houses if decorated and utilized properly. Most homeowners invest their time and money in improving their house interior. However, they tend to ignore their outdoor space. If you’re one of those homeowners, don’t fret! Backyards need to have some essential features to amplify their appeal and usability. If […]